Emily Sandberg, Founder of Cashflow Coaches

Use your creative genius for making money, not figuring out your bookkeeping.

Cashflow & CFO services for coaches and course creators with $250K - $3M in revenue

  • Get clarity on your finances

  • Increase profit margins

  • Make smarter decisions


Ignoring your money is expensive.

  • You spend reactively instead of strategically

  • You don't know if or when you can hire

  • You limit your growth because you're unprepared for the next stage of your business

  • You're not ready for taxes--emotionally or cash-wise

  • You're constantly worried that you're missing something

A young woman on the phone trying to understand her business finances

Cashflow Coaches Can Help


What if there was a way to look at your money and confidently make smart decisions that support your business and your personal life?

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built for online experts

We understand launches, Facebook ads, hiring a remote team, & spending big bucks on coaching.

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No accounting jargon

We teach you the terms you need to know, so you’re comfortable talking about your financials, even with your CPA.

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actionable Data

There’s gold in your numbers. Look into the future to see when cash gets tight and make plans now, before it becomes a problem.

Simone Seol, Life Coach at Joyful Marketing

What Our Clients Are Saying

“I love the clarity and trust I have with money now.”


Before Emily, I lived on a constant diet of extreme self-criticism and fear when it came to money. Even though I had achieved success as a life coach, I defined myself as being "bad with money," and had giant piles of evidence to prove the "truth" of that.The very first meeting with Emily changed my life. It felt like a whole body-and-soul exhale. The war against money stopped. Emily was the first person who helped me to look at money clearly and neutrally, without my crappy stories about myself. To be sure, other people had attempted to change my perspective on personal finance before. But it was Emily's warmth, her skill and instinct as a coach, and expertise in small business growth that truly made something click in my brain. I can't believe I'm saying this, but our monthly meetings where we look closely at my books is one of my favorite parts of the month. I love the clarity and trust I have with money now. I love the intentionality and purposefulness I know I have in making financial decisions both for myself personally, and for my multi-million-dollar company. I am abundant, and I am at peace. This is the fruit of having worked with Emily for a few years.




How We Can Work Together

Ongoing service

Cash Flow Coaching

Your own dedicated Bookkeeping + Coaching team to help you understand your numbers, tame the money drama in your head, and make smart decisions based on your forecasts.

One-time Service

Strategy Sessions

Get my eyes on your books so you can stop worrying if you’re doing it right – get the actual answer, and take the best next steps.



Cashflow Coaches

People come to us because they need bookkeeping. But they stay because doing money with us is so much easier than doing it on their own. Our unique blend of business savvy, money coaching, and forward thinking allows you to finally feel like you’re doing it right. We are bookkeepers and life coaches who understand your business and your mind.

Emily Sandberg, Bookkeeper & Life Coach